EE 209 Programming Structures for Electrical Engineering

Programming Assignments

We will do six programming assignments. The first four programming assignments take up 8% of your total grade. The fifth and sixth assignments take up 10% and 13% of your total grade, respectively. Some assignments provide extra credit beyond your total grade.

To download any files linked in assignment pages from terminal, you can use the command wget. For example,

this command will download the skeleton code of the first assignment in your current directory. You can get this link by right-clicking the hyperlink and then selecting "copy link address".

If you downloaded a binary file and want to execute it, you need to provide the execution permission for the downlowded file. If you want to give the permission to a file named client in current directory, type:

chmod +x client
then client will be executable.

Assignment Submission (Important)

Use KAIST KLMS to submit your assignments. Your submission should be one gzipped tar file whose name is


For example, if your student ID is 20151234, and it is for assignment #3, please name the file as


To create the .tar.gz, first move all your files to the directory (20091234_assign3).

mkdir 20151234_assign3
mv all_your_files 20151234_assign3

Then, create a .tar.gz file by the 'tar' command like

tar zcf 20151234_assign3.tar.gz 20151234_assign3

Then, you'll see 20151234_assign3.tar.gz. If you want to decompress and release the files in it (in a different directory),

tar zxf 20091234_assign3.tar.gz

Ethics Document (Important)

For every assignment submission, please fill out and submit the pdf version of this document that pledges your honor that you did not violate any ethics rules required by this course and KAIST. You can either scan a printed version into a pdf file or make the Word document into a pdf file after filling it out.

Please sign on the document and submit it along with your other assignment files, or we won't grade your assignment.

Late Submission Penalty

Students can use late submission (late pass) which can be late up to three days without penalty for the first five programming assignments. That is, you can apply your late submission days (within 3 days in total) spread over the first five programming assignments. The smallest granulaity is one day: if you are 1 hour late, that's still counted as one day late. If you're going to spend your free late days, please say so in your readme file. Beyond the free late days, we will enforce this penalty rule for each assignment. One will get

We will grant extensions only in case of illness(with doctor's note) or extraordinary cicrumstances. In case you are submitting your work late due to illness or extraordinary circumstances, please consult with the instructor as soon as possible. Please plan ahead (travel, religious holidays, etc.) to meet the deadlines. Note that heavy workload is not counted as extraordinary cicrumstances. Once again, there is no late submssion allowed for the final assignment. Any late submission for the final assignment will result in zero credit.

Collaboration Policy

Please refer to the course policy page.

Coding Style

Good coding style will be one criterion for grading each assignment. Please make sure your code has proper indentation and descriptive comments. At the start of each file, please add your name, lab account ID and the description of the file. Make sure not to leak any memory and check/handle every return value of function calls.

Assignment Grading

Your submission will be graded on one of the Lab machines for the course. You are free to use other machines for coding and debugging, but please make sure to compile and test your final version on the Lab machines. In a rare case, library mismatch or O/S stack difference (Solaris vs. Linux) can bypass some of your bugs, but they can actually show up on the Lab machines while grading. In order to avoid this last-minute surprise, please test on Lab machines before submitting your work.

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