Interested in joining NDSL?

We are looking for ambitious graduate students interested in computer systems and/or networking research. Our recent research topics include (but are not limited to) high-speed network packet processing, scalable/reusable networking stacks for end-host or middlebox systems, systems support for deep learning, modular firmware for storage devices, etc. If you have any crazy idea in any of these topics (or anything related to computer/networking software systems), please drop me a line. I will be happy to discuss with you.


Carrying out research in computer systems requires a little bit of background in computing/networking. The fastest way to obtain the background is to take related courses in the EE or CS department. An average student in my lab is supposed to have taken these courses (or equivalent CS courses) in the school of EE at KAIST. I strongly encourage you to take the following courses if you consider joining NDSL.

Undergraduate major?

We do not consider the undergraduate major as long as he/she meets the pre-requisites above. Typical students in NSDL have chosen EE or CS as their undergraduate major, but feel free to contact me if you have comparable background in the related field.

Please do not send a spam

Many students send a generic email (that looks to be delivered) to every professor in our department. I highly doubt if such a strategy would work well, and I generally do not respond to any of these emails. If you are interested in NDSL, please describe your specific interest, and your background in the related topics.