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Muhammad Asim Jamshed
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PhD Candidate
Networked & Distributed Computing Systems Lab
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology

Curriculum Vitae: [PDF] [PS] [TXT]
Resume (1 page): [PDF] [PS]
Profile: LinkedIn, Github, DBLP

I work in the Networked & Distributed Computing Systems Laboratory with KyoungSoo Park. My research interests include design and implementation of large-scale distributed and networked systems. Recently my focus has specifically been on computer & network security. I am one of the lead maintainers of the mTCP and the mOS networking stack projects. I sometimes work with the group of researchers at Internetional Computer Science Institute (ICSI) Berkeley where I also maintain packet-bricks.

I will be on the job market from Summer 2017.

Muhammad Jamshed 2010 - 2017

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